BUP aktualności

International Conference 'Research and Practice in Forest Ecology'

cz, 07.03

International Conference 'Research and Practice in Forest Ecology'

This event will be organised by the Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences, in Kórnik, Poland, on 8-12 May 2024.

The Conference will aim to establish cooperation between research centers and integrate students and young scientists who are the group to whom we aim this conference. 

  • biology of trees and associated organisms,
    forest genetics,
    tree breeding, physiology and biotechnology,
    seed biology and technology,
    invasive organisms,
    forest dynamics,
    climate change impacts on forest ecosystems,
    forestry and forest management. 

The conference is aimed at young researchers, defined as students, doctoral students, and people who have had their doctorate for less than 7 years (included).

To participate, it is needed to complete the registration form and send an abstract to ecoforest2024@man.poznan.pl by 10 March 2024.


Read more on the conference website.
