BUP aktualności

International Scientific Symposium

pt, 01.03

The Baltic University Programme and the Bialystok University of Technology announces the

International Scientific Symposium


This event is titled 'The Role of Universities and Research for Sustainable Regional Development' and it will be held on 21-23 April 2024 at the Bialystok University of Technology, Poland.

This event is for those who want to meet like-minded colleagues to talk about the rapid changes currently happening in our region of the world and how to prepare our students for the future.

As a part of the Polish BUP Presidency this event focuses on BUP colleagues, and the BUP will cover two nights' accommodation as well as food.

At the conference, there will be a focus on discussing the current challenges facing the Baltic Sea Region and how BUP participating universities can be models for our communities on how to adapt to a changing climate and build resilient communities.

Read more about the event at see the program via the Bialystok University of Technology website.

Those colleagues interested in attending should send an email to Aniela Staszewska via a.staszewska@pb.edu.pl.